Are Tiny Homes Really Worth It?

In recent years, the tiny home movement has taken the world by storm. With TV shows like “Tiny House Nation” and companies like Boxabl glamorizing the idea of living in a tiny home, many people are captivated by the allure of downsizing. But is the tiny home craze all it’s cracked up to be?

The Allure of Tiny Homes

Tiny homes offer a minimalist lifestyle that promises freedom from the burden of large mortgages and excessive possessions. They are often depicted as cozy, efficient, and environmentally friendly. The idea of living simply, with less clutter and more financial freedom, is undeniably appealing. But before you jump on the tiny home bandwagon, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons.

Pros of Living in a Tiny Home

  1. Financial Savings: Tiny homes are generally more affordable than traditional houses. They cost less to build, less to maintain, and have lower utility bills.
  2. Environmental Impact: A smaller home means a smaller ecological footprint. Tiny homes use fewer resources, produce less waste, and can be more energy-efficient.
  3. Mobility: Many tiny homes are built on wheels, allowing for a mobile lifestyle. This can be great for those who love to travel or need the flexibility to move frequently.
  4. Simplified Living: With less space, there’s less room for clutter. This can lead to a more organized, less stressful lifestyle.

Cons of Living in a Tiny Home

  1. Limited Space: The most obvious downside is the lack of space. This can be especially challenging for families, people with hobbies that require room, or those who enjoy entertaining.
  2. Resale Value: Tiny homes can be difficult to sell. The market for tiny homes is niche, and they may not appreciate in value like traditional homes. Research shows that the resale value of tiny homes often doesn’t compare favorably to regular stick-built homes.
  3. Zoning Laws and Regulations: Many areas have strict zoning laws that make it challenging to legally live in a tiny home. This can limit where you can place your home and the lifestyle you can lead.
  4. Lifestyle Adjustments: Adjusting to tiny living can be harder than it looks. The novelty can quickly wear off, and the limitations of space can become frustrating.

My Personal Experience with Tiny Living

When I bought 120 acres in Tennessee, I quickly recognized that a smaller footprint is ideal. However, moving my daughter and Janna into a 400-square-foot home presented some challenges. While the concept of tiny living is appealing, the reality can be quite different when considering the needs and comfort of a family.

Exploring Alternative Home Styles

When the cabin on our property kept having problem after problem, we decided to build a dome home. Our 700+ square foot dome comes equipped with a kitchen, a HomeBioGas composting toilet, and a shower with a RainStick that recycles water. It’s perfect for shorter stays on the ranch, but even this space can feel cramped after a while.

Do We Need 10,000 Square Foot McMansions?

The answer is likely no. The key lies in finding a balance. While tiny homes may be too small for many, the massive McMansions are often excessive. There is a sweet spot in between, where homes are sustainably built, energy-efficient, and include thoughtful design features that maximize usability without unnecessary space.

The Environmental Benefits of Modular Homes

At Modern Homestead, we are leading the charge in innovation with our green building materials. For instance, Suber Shield, a cork-based product, provides an amazing thermal barrier, and Silver Ion Health Paint helps clean the air. These technologies are catching up to what was once science fiction, offering a future where homes are both functional and environmentally friendly.

Our modular homes focus on reducing square footage while enhancing outdoor living spaces. These homes include food security systems and water generators powered by solar and virtual power plants. This approach offers a practical solution for sustainable living without the downsides of tiny homes.


For some, the tiny home might be the perfect fit, offering a minimalist lifestyle and financial freedom. However, for many, the novelty quickly wears off, leaving them with an unsellable asset and a longing for a bit more space. Modern Homestead provides innovative solutions that strike a balance between sustainable living and comfortable home environments, ensuring that your investment is not only practical but also valuable in the long run.